The Influence of Teacher’s Attitude towards Students’ Character

 The one who can control students’ attitude at school is a teacher, and the one who can control children’s attitude are parents. In this point, I’ll talk about students only. We can find good and polite students as long as teachers guide them to do so. This is my first hypothesis.

I can find many students who don’t have good norms here in my new school; they speak roughly even mock each other with nasty words. They have a very great ‘courage’ to confront their teachers and mostly can’t speak politely with Bahasa Kromo or Indonesian. Most students speak ‘ngoko’ which is regarded as impolite language to use with adult in Javanese culture.  Ngoko is a language which is usually used to talk with their peers. This language shouldn’t be used to talk with adult, in this case teachers.

This fact is shocked me a lot because it is different from my previous elementary school in which the students are so polite and they know well how to behave. In addition, they have a great respect to the teachers. 

As time goes by, I can understand those kinda things happen because of the teachers’ attitude themselves. The teachers in my new school don’t teach the students how to behave and how to respect them. They liberate the students to do anything, including in doing test. They let the students cheating in front of their eyes, and even they themselves give the answer to the students. Then, I can understand why the students hate me and confront me and my anti-cheating idealism. They call me as ‘pahlawan kesiangan’ when I maintain my rule. Yea..the students are taught to do so. The students think that my anti-cheating idealism is weird because they are used to cheating.

Another thing is about how they behave. I’ve proven that teachers’ attitude have an important part in building students’ character. Everytime the students speak ‘ngoko’, I ask them to repeat the words in ‘kromo’ or Indonesian. Otherwise, I’ll ignore them and don’t response them. Gradually, the students whom I teach these two months (2nd grade) speak ‘kromo’ or Indonesian with me. However, I doubt I can continue this if I weren’t a homeroom teacher because as an English teacher I’ll only meet them 2 x 35 minutes per week.
What do you think teachers? Does teacher’s attitude influence student’s character? 

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    • Ka' Ross wez toh....tambah ngelu aq,,,,,,s'kata we rung no sing mudeng po maneh...pirang2 paragrap,,, waduh
      September 27, 2010 at 11:27pm · 

    • Ka' Ross biso-biso og' iso turuki aq,,,nerjemahke.
      September 27, 2010 at 11:29pm · 

    • Il Man Waduh panjang...

      Terpaksa pke google translate biar lbh cpt :D

      September 27, 2010 at 11:40pm via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Musyafiah Al-Hadi ‎@ka' ross: hahahahhahahahhahahahha..m

      elas lek o...itu lho ikt2an ilman.

      @ilman: itu br kreatif

      September 27, 2010 at 11:43pm · 

    • Il Man He he he ...

      Tp Q ga pke operamini yg bsa wt copy paste text, ga jd bka google translate deh, he he he :D

      September 28, 2010 at 12:03am via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Jazimah Al-Muhyi 
      Alhamdulillah, masih bisa ngerti en paham meski kutinggalkan bangku kuliah bahasa Inggris di semester 3 :-)

      Teruslah tag saya dengan note berbahasa Inggris, sebagai langkah awal saya belajar kembala English :-)
      Teruslah berjuang menjadi guru ...See More

      September 28, 2010 at 12:53pm · 

    • Ahmad Sukroni Calon Sarjana Minta tlg dterjemahke bu..

      Puyeng kie..

      September 28, 2010 at 8:47pm via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Musyafiah Al-Hadi ‎@ilman: py to nang..nang..

      @mb.jazim: terimakasih.
      @p.roni: ini note lama pak. sy posting lg krn ada yg mnghps note sy. terjemahannya py ya..yo ngono kuwi lah

      September 28, 2010 at 9:53pm · 

    • Il Man Gmn lg...

      Ga smpt, he he he

      ada yang mau nulis terjemahannya :D

      September 28, 2010 at 10:53pm via Facebook Mobile · 

    • September 29, 2010 at 4:10am · 

    • Rahman Hanifan Semakin Dahsyat Ternyata masih banyak yg bahasa Inggrisnya lbih parah dariku.

      Sungguh akan butuh perjuangan panjang untuk merubah itu. Tapi stidaknya sudah ada yang memulai.

      September 29, 2010 at 4:52am via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Il Man ea, bhs jawa ja Q msh kurang.

      He he he :D

      September 29, 2010 at 6:09am via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Musyafiah Al-Hadi ‎@p. Rahman: ah..anda terlalu merendah...

      @il : les ma bu fiaa

      September 29, 2010 at 5:29pm · 

    • Il Man dlu ktny bu fia msh mau ngajarin Q, wlw dh ga d skul. Tp... qt ga nah ktmu scr lngsng. D fb ja kmrn2 ga nah ngbrl...
      September 30, 2010 at 12:46am via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Guze Muze terus berjuang Bu Guru unyil!:)
      October 1, 2010 at 7:24am · 
