Speech: Why Choosing SMK

This speech was used in English Speech Contest for SMK students Kabupaten Pekalongan 2014
Our school won the competition. 

Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.
The honorable judges of English Speech Contest, and all participants of English Speech Contest, good morning.
First of all, let’s thank to Allah The Almighty who has given us many mercies and blessing so we can join this program without any obstacles. Secondly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rozikin.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion I would like to deliver a speech about “Why I choose SMK”.

There are five reasons why I choose SMK as the place to study. First, we’ll get special skill. These special skills are based on our interest. For instance, I choose mechanical engineering. It means that I will get special skills about automotive such as tune up, suspension system, electrical system in motorcycle, etc. In welding technique, we will learn about arc welding, electric welding, friction welding, etc. In electrical engineering, we will learn about how to install house hold electricity, how to repair household wares such as air conditioner, washing machine, mixer or blender, and how to repair electricity installation. These skills will useful when we work.
Next, we’ll get entrepreneurship skills as in SMK we get special subject about entrepreneurship. So, we’ll know everything about how to create our own business and how to be a good entrepreneur. In SMK, we are encouraged to be an entrepreneur.
Then, we’ll get working experience as in SMK we will do on the job training. We’ll experience to work in a workshop and dealing with customers directly. We are demanded to practice what we got at school before. So, we can apply it in our workplace in the future.
Furthermore, we’ll do study tour to big companies. We can see the process of making certain products and also know the company profile. Therefore, we’ll know anything about the company and how it produces its products.
 At last, there is employment exchange in SMK which will help us to get a job after we graduate. Moreover, if we have good achievements, the company will look for us. This will helpful for students from low economy famliy. They can work right after they graduate from SMK so they will help to overcome economic problem of their family. Moreover, if they want to continue their study despite of this low economy, they can work and study at the same time.
SMK’s alumnus can also continue their study to the university. We have the same opportunity as other high school’s alumnus like SMA or MA. We, even have special benefit because we have found our interest and we have skills, so we can continue accordingly with our major in SMK.
From those, it can be concluded that as SMK students we have more freedom to choose what we’ll do after we graduate, working, creating our own business as an entrepreneur, or continuing our study.
Ladies and gentleman,
Let me give you some success story of SMK alumnus. They are Mohammad Tono from Tuban and Ahmad Anggoro from Kediri. They gain success when they were 22 years old. Mohammad Tono developed and cultivated seeds of papaya Calina IPB-9. He can get 10-11 million per month from this business with hard work and enthusiasm. On the other hand, Ahmad Anggoro gained success from clothing business. He can get 100 million per month from this business. Both of them come from poor family. They started their business from zero, but they become a hero now.
If they are succeeded in entrepreneurship, I also know some people who continued their study from SMK and now become teachers, village chiefs, pharmacies or even become lecturers.
Well, finally I want to state once again five reasons why I choose SMK. First, I get special skill. Second, I get entrepreneur skill. Third, I get working experience. Fourth, I can do study tour to big companies. Last but not least, I can freely choose what to do after I graduate, working, creating a business, or continuing my study.
That’s all for me. Let me end this speech by shouting, SMK BISA! Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.  
